Friday, September 26, 2008

Notice Beauty

When something bad is going on in my life, it's easy to translate that into an attitude that everything is bad--and when that happens, things *really* start to slide downhill.

At times like these, I make a special point to notice all the wonder and beauty there is in the world around me. When I see the intricate beauty of a rose blossom or think about how something as fantastic as the appearance of Haley's Comet can be predicted down to the exact moment, it's hard to dispute the fact that God is in control. And if He's in control, then it must be true that everything is going to be alright.

With logic as airtight as that, I may as well relax and get on with the business of living!

For an exquisitely written example of how to observe beauty in our world, click over to LeAnne Benfield Martin's blog, Beauty and The Beholder. Just reading LeAnne's posts is sure to make you feel good.

1 comment:

LeAnne Benfield Martin said...


Thank you for mentioning my blog. I'm so glad you like it! I went through a difficult period in my life several years ago and felt that God reached out to me through the beauty around me. Ever since then, I've been attuned to it. And now writing about it every week makes me even more aware that beauty is everywhere if we have the hearts to notice it.

Thanks again!