Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Get a Pep Talk

The best way I know to get things moving back in a positive direction when I'm feeling down or overwhelmed is to have someone give me a pep talk. And the best "on demand" pep talk I know of is the Flylady (Marla Cilley) or one of her friends. I just download the Flylady's weekly podcast to my iPod, and I can listen to her while I'm doing things around the house. She never fails to get me out of my "I can't" mood and back into an "I can" frame of mind.

The Flylady also has a bunch of friends who have positive podcasts. One of my other favorites is Janathan Roche and his No Excuses Weight Loss podcast. It's really more about exercise and healthy lifestyle than dieting. I find it very uplifting, and I don't even need to lose weight.

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