Monday, October 6, 2008

Stop Stealing

I had a colleague once who had a sign on her door that read:  "A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."

Certainly, there are nicer ways to say it, but the message is one that is important to learn.  The world is full of irresponsible people who get themselves into messes and then want us to take on their burdens as our own.  When we do that--steal their problems from them, so to speak--we do everyone a disservice.

People who never have to feel the consequences of their actions never get a chance to learn from their mistakes. And those who are taking the consequences for them are powerless to control the circumstances of their own lives because someone else is creating their bad days for them.

I'm not saying you shouldn't help people in need.  Of course you should, and that can be one of the most gratifying things you do in your life.  But if there's someone whose general lack of maturity has caused you to be having a bad day, do them a favor and let them keep their problems.  In the long run, you'll both be happier for it.

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