Wednesday, September 24, 2008

NIbble the Frog

A lot of times, the day looks bleak because I have to do something I don't want to do. I let one bad task color the whole day. Here's a strategy to keep that from happening.

This is a combination of a couple of things that I learned in different places.

Brian Tracy says that if you do the thing you dread most (i.e., eating your frog) first thing in the morning, you can get it over with and improve the quality of the rest of your day.

That's true, but sometimes I just can't bring myself to eat a whole frog. That's where the nibble comes in.

Flylady (there's that name again) says that you can do anything for fifteen minutes. Almsost any task can be broken down into smaller parts, so I just tell myself I'll do a little bit of the thing I'm dreading. I do what I can, and then I move on.

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